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#1 21/10/2020 12:33:09


Parents must know! Hot symptoms in children


One of the factors that make it difficult for children to eat. And as a result, the child is not getting enough nutrients is heat in which this symptom is very painful and painful to the child Because even drinking water Can cause pain in the wound Today we invite all parents Turned to care about the heat in each other that caused it. What are the symptoms that children have to face when they are hot? Including how to treat the heat in which parents should know each other

What is hot in
Burning or burning Known in English as Aphthous Ulcer, a small and shallow wound. The appearance is white and surrounded by red. Occurring in the oral cavity Whether it is in the cheek, tongue, gums or lips, and the appearance of the wound is likely to enlarge. It often makes you feel hurt every time you come into contact with things. Enters the mouth Whether it is water or food And usually, the heat symptoms usually go away on their own in a period of 1-2 weeks. Should immediately take the child to the doctor. Because it may be a warning sign of hand, foot and mouth disease


Causes of overheating in children
For the reasons that cause heat in children. Are both caused by various irritants From food allergies, bite the mouth itself, use a toothbrush with hard bristles. The body lacks vitamins and minerals. The child's immune system is weakened. Eating foods that are too hot As well as may be caused by infection with the virus group Enterovirus

For the symptoms of heat that parents should notice is Children tend to drink more water than usual. Crying or crying for no reason Chewing food is much slower. Often shows pain or cries every time you eat salty or spicy food There are oral sores that appear white in color surrounded by red. Are small and shallow It may also have symptoms of fever when the wound becomes infected.

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#2 08/01/2022 00:13:15

Re: Parents must know! Hot symptoms in children

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