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Sugar is a type of carbohydrate that even gives energy to the body. But if consumed in excess, it can cause health problems from head to toe. slotxo People of all genders and ages should reduce their consumption of high-sugar foods and drinks. For their own health
What kind of sugar is harmful to health?
Sugar is the smallest unit of carbohydrates. Sugars are typically found in carbohydrate-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy products, which contain other nutrients that are important for the body. Whether it's minerals, vitamins, proteins, dietary fibers or antioxidants, consuming the natural sugars contained in unprocessed foods is unlikely to have negative effects on the body.
However, many manufacturers today add sugar to food, beverages or snacks to sweeten the taste of consumers. The typical sugars used in cooking are sucrose or granulated sugar. In Thailand, this type of sugar can be produced by processing sugar cane. Which, if ingested in large quantities, may cause harm to health
How much sugar should be consumed per day
Too much sugar is one of the leading causes of chronic non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure. Cardiovascular disease, etc. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults and children consume no more than 6 teaspoons of sugar or 24 grams / day.
However, some people consume sugar that exceeds the standards of the World Health Department. It may consume up to 20 teaspoons / day. Working people are the main people who consume large amounts of sugar. Because it has the potential for self-spending And the current behavior is conducive to eating foods and drinks with added sugar. Which drinks and fruit juices with added sugar such as soft drinks, sweetened beverages, coffee or pearl milk tea It is considered one of the top sources of sugar by the amount of sugar used in the beverage industry. It is the highest among sugars that are consumed indirectly.
The approximate amount of sugar in popular beverages is as follows:
500 ml of green tea contains 14.5 teaspoons of sugar.
475 ml of fresh coffee contains 10.5 teaspoons of sugar.
450 milliliters of soft drink contains 10.75 teaspoons of sugar.
400 milliliters of curd contains 19 teaspoons of sugar.
350 ml pearl milk tea contains 11.25 teaspoons of sugar.
200 ml of juice contains 6.25 teaspoons of sugar.
How dangerous is sugar for health?
Excessive consumption of added sugars in food or drinks May adversely affect health as follows
Weight gain
After consuming high amounts of sugar The body turns the excess sugar into fat. This can lead to weight gain and the risk of obesity. In addition, fructose sugar is often added to beverages such as soft drinks or fruit juices. May inhibit the body's response to leptin. It has properties that help control the feeling of hunger and make you feel full, so consuming fructose foods or drinks can cause you to feel hungry more often and lead to eating more. And research has shown that the consumption of sugary drinks can lead to the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. This may be a factor that contributes to diabetes and heart disease as well.
Variable energy levels
After eating sweets, people tend to feel more energetic than usual. That's because sugar intake increases blood sugar levels and the amount of the hormone insulin in the body. This results in an increase in energy levels as well. However, this feeling is usually temporary for a short time because after that the blood sugar level will drop rapidly. This fluctuating sugar level can cause fluctuations in your energy levels. And resulting in a feeling of tiredness or fatigue as a result
Risk of acne
Eating foods that are high in sugar can increase blood sugar levels. And increase the secretion of the hormone insulin Causing more androgen hormones to be released The skin produces more oil. And an increased risk of inflammation Which of these factors are all possible causes of acne. A trial of 2,300 day groups found that people who regularly consumed sugar-added food or drinks were 30 percent more likely to develop acne.
Old face
Wrinkles are a sign of aging. Which foods or sugary drinks can cause facial wrinkles. Because eating large amounts of this food on a regular basis causes the body to have high blood sugar levels. When sugars mogul binds to proteins, they form a substance called AGEs (Advanced Glycation End-Products), which can destroy collagen and elastin in the skin. This results in sagging skin, wrinkles and dark spots.
Cells may deteriorate
The telomeres are the distal structure of chromosomes that protect against chromosomal degradation. In general, as people get older Telomere shrinks gradually, causing cells to deteriorate and unable to function normally. Regular consumption of large amounts of sugar may cause telomeres to shrink faster. Therefore body cells may deteriorate prematurely.
Risk of depression
Researchers believe that the hypoglycemia is not stable. Abnormal levels of neurotransmitters in the brain And inflammation in various parts of the body are factors that affect mental health. With research that found that men who consumed 67 grams of sugar / day or more They were 23 percent more at risk of depression than men who consumed less than 40g / day, which is consistent with another study in 69,000 women found that women who consumed the highest sugar were at risk of depression. It was significantly more sad than women who consumed the least amount of sugar.
Diabetes risk
Besides consuming too much sugar there is a risk of obesity that can lead to diabetes. Long-term intake of sugar can lead to insulin resistance. Which insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels in balance When a patient has a higher blood sugar level, he or she is at a greater risk of diabetes One study found that consuming 150 calories of sugar may increase the risk of diabetes by 1.1 percent.
Heart disease risk
Research has shown that eating foods high in sugar may cause obesity. High blood triglycerides High blood pressure And high blood sugar All of which are factors that increase the risk of heart disease. In addition, the consumption of large amounts of sugar. Especially from beverages with added sugar Can cause dangerous diseases like hardened arteries Which this disease is caused by the accumulation of fat in the arteries Resulting in insufficient blood and oxygen supply to tissues
Risk of fatty liver.
Fructose is a type of sugar that manufacturers often add to beverages. Unlike glucose and other sugars, fructose does not provide energy for the muscles and brain. But will be transported to the liver for degradation Where part of the fructose is converted into energy But the other part will accumulate as glycogen or fat in the liver. If the accumulation in large quantities can lead to fatty liver disease.
In addition to the above health problems Consuming high amounts of sugar on a regular basis can also increase the risk of other ailments, such as kidney disease, gout, gum disease and tooth dementia.
How to control sugar intake?
In general, adults and children should not consume more than 6 teaspoons / day if they want to reduce their sugar intake. Just a few simple tips can be followed below.
Turn to drinking water or soda instead of soft drinks, sweetened drinks or fruit juice.
Eat fresh fruit instead of fruit juice or smoothies with added sugar or artificial sweeteners.
Drink black coffee or if you want sweetness. May use a sweetener instead of sugar.
Choose natural yogurts without added sugar and artificial flavors or flavors. It may be eaten with fresh or frozen fruit.
Use olive oil and vinegar as a salad dressing instead of sugar-infused salad dressings.
Choose to use sauces or flavoring creams. Like tomato sauce, chili sauce, or unsweetened peanut butter.
Avoid the sweets Turn to healthy, sugar-free snacks instead, such as nuts or seeds. Baked beans without added sugar or salt And dark chocolate, etc., but should be eaten, but only in small quantities.
Choose to eat cereal Breakfast cereals And granola with no more than 4 grams of sugar / serving
Always read nutrition labels before shopping for any food product. They should avoid foods with more than 15 grams or 3 teaspoons of sugar.
When you cannot avoid eating sweets Eat desserts with fiber-rich grains, such as shaved ice or cold sweetened with millet, red beans, mung beans, corn, etc., because dietary fiber may help slow down the absorption of sugar into the body. Fill the stomach for longer And can help reduce the craving for dessert
Avoid adding any kind of sugar to food and drinks. This includes honey syrup, corn syrup and sugar extracted from corn (Corn Syrup).
Always rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after eating dessert. This is because the sweet feeling of the taste buds in the mouth can cause increased appetite and sugar consumption. Moreover, sugar is one of the main causes of tooth decay.